Investment Philosophy:
Piedmont operates under an investment philosophy designed to be both flexible and disciplined. Portfolios are constructed to meet a variety of income and growth needs while maintaining strong risk management by offering clients exposure to different asset classes and investment styles.
As an example, for clients with a goal of aggressive growth, the Advisory may invest in special situations including risk arbitrage, bankruptcies, corporate restructurings, spin-offs, and initial public offerings. In fact, these types of investments represent areas of specialization for the firm.
Piedmont does not limit investments to a specific style (value or growth) or to stocks of certain sizes (large capitalization or small capitalization). Rather, the advisory invests in stocks of companies of all sizes having the potential for price appreciation for buys or price depreciation for short sales. This allows us maximum flexibility to be responsive in all market environments. The overriding concern at Piedmont is absolute profitability (not relative performance) consistent with the client’s objectives and risk tolerance.
Because periods of negative returns can devastate long term performance, a strong emphasis is placed on capital preservation at all times. Therefore, the firm will move assets into low risk investments or cash during periods of high risk. The Advisory also uses a sell discipline to insure that unprofitable positions are not held for extended periods.